Today we are going to tell you the story of how online forms and enquiry management became. Why? Well, billions of forms are submitted online every single day – making online forms the quickest, easiest and most natural way to collect users.
This is a true story and any resemblance with your past and present are indeed a shared reality.
After responding to a few open and closed questions, selecting from dropdown lists or a group of multiple choice options, at the click of a button you can share a strong opinion or even order yourself a credit card. Online purchases big and small, national polls, company surveys, event RSVP’s, attendance registrations, magazine subscriptions and job applications are various examples of online forms – of which you have experienced some, if not all.
But it wasn’t always this easy…
Behind the ease of todays’ advanced technology are decades of development. Before capturing responses and enquires hit the World Wide Web, the traditional love of paper and stacks of ring binders on our shelves dominated.
And that caused cluttered bookshelves
As clever businesses grew, enquiries increased and responses doubled, the need for robust statistical analysis steered us in the direction of Microsoft Excel.
And then that got expensive
The world of spreadsheets meant costs also increased because recruitment was necessary for accurate and timely data entry. As these businesses continued to expand massively, we dared the age of HTML and started using simple web-pages to partly replace our pen and paper methods.
And then that stopped looking pretty
Of course, advancements continued and fancy UI’s (user interfaces) came to the fore. Some of us spent on tidying up our websites, while others took to paying a little more for Generic CRM’s like Salesforce.
And then that felt too rigid
Because of the known struggle with off the shelf CRM’s that were far too general to suit all faces of every business, the likes of Google Forms were born. But with the recent demise of the neat Adobe Forms extension, businesses have recognised that there is no going back.
And then the need for bespoke was born
The era of pen and paper, spreadsheets and HTML is well and truly over. We’ve navigated to the roads of bespoke, flexibility and customisation. The need to build or find fully tailored CRM’s has never been greater.
And finally, Mind Recovery Net was born
Find out why we built Mind Recovery Net here.